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         Welcome to Tomefoolery!

Jul 30, 2018

Cody isjoined by musician, writer, and entrepreneur Jeremy Burchard to get our beachbods whipped into shape with the classic diet of wandering through the desert! You can find your copy of the book online and within your heart and/or small intestine.
’The Maker’s Diet'
by Jordan Rubin
Are you looking for a health...

Jul 16, 2018

Cody is joined by youtuber and activist Jackson Bird to get to the bottom of the world’s largest and most obvious library pornography crime ring. You can find your copy of the book online and at your local library… OR CAN YOU.
‘Shut Up!: The Bizarre War that One Public Library Waged Against the First...

Jul 2, 2018

Cody is joined by podcast host and producer Anna Hossnieh to really delve into the deep truths espoused by the most basic old dude to ever refuse to have a Twitter account. You can find your copy of the book online and at the house of that guy on the block who hordes balls that neighborhood...