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         Welcome to Tomefoolery!

Mar 15, 2016

Cody is joined by video creator and wizard activist Jackson Bird and actor, writer, and storyteller Mara Wilson to get our dental practice into shape (the Mongolian way)! You can get your own copy on Amazon OR wait until April 1st for the updated MODERN Genghis Khan edition!

'Managing a Dental Practice: The Genghis...

Mar 1, 2016

Cody is joined by comedians Alexandra Tsarpalas and Rad Turkin to talk teen salvation (and party tricks)! You can get your own copy for ยข1 on Amazon and at your local garage sale!

'Anybody Can Be Cool-- But Awesome Takes Practice' (Devotionals for Teens) by Lorraine Peterson

'Anybody Can Be Cool' is an adventure in...