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         Welcome to Tomefoolery!

Jan 29, 2018

Cody is joined by comedian and podcaster Brandie Posey to DEFINITELY NOT UPSET ANYONE ABOUT POLITICS. You can find your copy of the book online and in the apartment of, like, the worst of your dude friends. Like, he’s a good enough guy… but… you wouldn’t let him talk to your boss at a work party.

Jan 15, 2018

Cody is joined by comedian, podcaster, and dark poet of the plains Zach Peterson to GET IT DONE AND SUCH! *airhorn/finger guns* You can find your copy of the book online and if you drive around Kentucky long enough.
by Larry the Cable Guy
Git-R-Done is chock-full of fart jokes and straight talk...

Jan 1, 2018

THE FUTURE IS NOW and Cody is joined by comedian Dylan Farr to learn the ins and outs of how Cody’s new home: HELLywood. You can find your copy of the book online and from the WORST dude standing on a street corner yelling at people about his new cool idea.
The Illuminati in Hollywood: Celebrities, Conspiracies,...