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         Welcome to Tomefoolery!

Dec 15, 2017

It’s the holiday season and Cody is joined once more by comedian/writer/director/rapper Amy Sumpter and comedian/character extraordinaire Alexandra Tsarpalas to revisit the INCREDIBLY confusing world of THE VANGELS! You can find your copy of the book in the weirdest holiday display at Barnes & Noble EVER.

Dec 1, 2017

Cody is joined by the brilliant women of Improvised Jane Austen to meet our destiny, LOL JK! You can find your copy of the book in the ballroom of the saddest child.
‘Darcy Swipes Left' 
by Jane Austen and Courtney Carbone
Pride and Prejudice, one of the greatest love stories ever told . . . in texts?!

Nov 15, 2017

Cody is joined by comedian/performer/interpreter Le Aboav and comic/writer Matt Brown to finally become the men we never were but were always meant to be(head)! You can find your copy of the book in THAT GUY’s “Man Cave".
'Real Men Don't Apologize' 
by Jim Belushi
In this "guys guide to life," the star of the...

Nov 1, 2017

Cody is re-joined by comedian, actor, and writer Elliot Lerner and comedian, writer, and illustrator Dave Stinton // to get The Nemesis out of your Nabisco! You can find your copy of the book at the house of your neighbor who has a lot of free time. 
'Help Lord - The Devil Wants Me Fat!' 
by C.S.Lovett
1977: Learn...

Oct 15, 2017

Cody is re-joined by writers/comedians Dan Sheehan and Tyler Snodgrass to avoid talking about baseball while being forced to talk about baseball. You can find your copy of the book at the house of your local old man after you accidentally hit a ball into his yard which also contains a very large dog. 
'Fathers, Sons,...